At the moment, you can find almost any book in a digital format from dictionaries and religious books to educational manuals and even coloring books. It's quite clear that reading and looking for information through the e-book version of any book might help you save plenty of time and effort.
For those who wish to access information within the catholic Bible directly from their computer, they can try the Digital Catholic Bible, a desktop application that brings you the digital form of the Old and New Testaments.
The best part of using this program is the fact that it comes with a multi-tab interface, more exactly, you can open as many tabs as you want, whether they're with Bible paragraphs, search queries or chapter comparisons. Also, you can customize interface's appearance as you like by changing the background and font settings.
If you're not sure where a certain paragraph or Bible figure is located within the Bible, Digital Catholic Bible will help you find it almost instantly. Unfortunately, the search engine doesn't always offer you the most accurate results or it displays too many solutions and you have to check one paragraph at a time to see which is the right one.
Digital Catholic Bible will also allow you to save the paragraphs you liked as favorites and export them as TXT or RTF files. More to that, you will never have to acquire or register the application as it comes for free unlike other similar programs.
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